The killer feature for me was the Kangaroo’s iPad app.
You can’t use it as a laptop since it doesn’t have a screen or keyboard attached. When I was looking for a stick computer to try out, I decided on the Kangaroo for a few reasons. Other tasks, like running a Plex server were completely acceptable. In my tests of the Kangaroo system, the system was unacceptably slow with most gameplay. If you’re using an Android-based stick computer, it will seem faster because developers optimize the programs for less powerful systems. Don’t expect much more power than a mobile phone here. If your HDMI monitor is large, part of the processor’s power is used to render the video screen. For example, encoding video files takes forever. The mobile processor means you can’t perform heavy calculations. With just a few programs, the storage is getting full Keep your drive clean: With limited space, you’ll need to occasionally clean out junk files and prune some of the large files The micro-sd card lets you expand the space.
Depending on your operating system, 10-30% of the drive is already used when you get the computer out of the box. The small storage space prevents you from keeping too many files on the primary drive. These systems limit themselves with space and speed. Remote controlling another computer? TeamViewer is one of our favorites, but check out other options on iOS or Android, Chromebooks, Windows 8 and Windows 10 What Are Their Limitations? That way if the TV isn’t on the right input, I can still access the computer. When I set these up, I always install TeamViewer so you can remote into the computer. Any HDMI TV or monitor works | Shutterstock Even office suites work fine, so long as the files aren’t too large or graphics intense. Typical computing tasks like web browsing, watching online videos and checking email work great on a stick computer. The Windows stick computers perform basic computing functions. The devices running Android tend to have similar computing power as their tablet or phone equivalents. They can do most things their laptop or tablet counterparts can do. Connect a computer to a monitor? Modern systems give you a few options, so check out our definitive guide What Can These Systems Do? That’s where the micro-SD card slot comes in. That’s enough to run an operating system, but not to store much else. The onboard storage is usually around 32 GB flash memory.
Depending on the brand, they’ll come with Windows, Android or Chrome OS. Most of them look like a large USB flash drive, but contain a full computer with an operating system. Examples of generic stick mini-PC computers | Shutterstockįor networking, they’ll have built-in wireless but no Ethernet port.